>> Workouts >> Power Intervals - 2 minutes - Level 5

Power Intervals - 2 minutes - Level 5

Tags: V02 Max Anaerobic Capacity Lactate Tolerance Improve Endurance Improve FTP Time Crunched
      • 35:00
      • Duration
      • Lactate Tolerance
      • Category
      • Intensity
Est. Average Power
137 watts
Est. Kcals
Est. Points
Ridden 0 time(s) in the last 30 days
  • Avg. power
    137 watts
  • Est. Kcals
  • Points
      • Intensity
      • Time
      • Points
      • Favour
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Workout description

Power intervals can be described as relatively short and very intense intervals. The aim of such intervals is to improve the bodies ability at flushing the lactate (that burning sensation in your legs) and improving at operating in an acidic environment.

Power intervals should only be attempted by those riders with a strong endurance base and who are comfortable with Threshold and V02 Max intervals.

With such short efforts, heart rate will be too slow to respond. Therefore Hitting your power target is key during the "Power Intervals". Each power Interval should be ridden as hard as possible for the duration. The aim of the recovery period is to turn the legs over enough to ensure you are ready to go again on the next power interval.

Power intervals should only be attempted when fully recovered from previous training. They should also be followed by at least one day of easy riding. These are physically demanding intervals that require full concentration.

Power Intervals are great for those riders looking to peak for an event. They would typically be started 4-6 weeks before a key event.

To progress from this workout, increase the duration of the Power Interval (See: Power Intervals - 3 minutes - starter level)

Power intervals can be described as relatively short and very intense intervals. The aim of such intervals is to improve the bodies ability at flushing the lactate (that burning sensation in your legs) and improving at operating in an acidic environment.

Power intervals should only be attempted by those riders with a strong endurance base and who are comfortable with Threshold and V02 Max intervals.

With such short efforts, heart rate will be too slow to respond. Therefore Hitting your power target is key during the "Power Intervals". Each power Interval should be ridden as hard as possible for the duration. The aim of the recovery period is to turn the legs over enough to ensure you are ready to go again on the next power interval.

Power intervals should only be attempted when fully recovered from previous training. They should also be followed by at least one day of easy riding. These are physically demanding intervals that require full concentration.

Power Intervals are great for those riders looking to peak for an event. They would typically be started 4-6 weeks before a key event.

To progress from this workout, increase the duration of the Power Interval (See: Power Intervals - 3 minutes - starter level)

  • Description Time Target Power Intensity Kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 99 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 117 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 126 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 162 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 00:45 135 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:30 180 Watts
    6 kcals
    Warmup - Moderate 01:00 153 Watts
    10 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 198 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 216 Watts
    4 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 02:00 117 Watts
    15 kcals
    Power Interval 02:00 216 Watts
    29 kcals
    Recovery 03:00 99 Watts
    20 kcals
    Power Interval 02:00 216 Watts
    29 kcals
    Recovery 03:00 99 Watts
    20 kcals
    Power Interval 02:00 216 Watts
    29 kcals
    Recovery 03:00 99 Watts
    20 kcals
    Power Interval 02:00 216 Watts
    29 kcals
    Recovery 03:00 99 Watts
    20 kcals
    Warm down 05:00 108 Watts
    36 kcals