>> Workouts >> Road Ride: Recovery

Road Ride: Recovery

Tags: Recovery
      • 01:00:00
      • Duration
      • Recovery
      • Category
      • Intensity
Est. Average Power
104 watts
Est. Kcals
Est. Points
Ridden 0 time(s) in the last 30 days
  • Avg. power
    104 watts
  • Est. Kcals
  • Points
      • Intensity
      • Time
      • Points
      • Favour
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Workout description

After an above threshold workout, such as a VO2max or Latate Tolerance Intervals, is it benefitial to do a recovery ride on the next day. Recovery rides are very low intensity and are sometimes described as taking your bike for a walk. Avoid hills and avoid any fast accelerations. This workout is just about keeping the legs moving, so it's a low gear and a cadence of 90 to 100rpm. Heart rate should stay low, no greater than 60% of HRmax.

After an above threshold workout, such as a VO2max or Latate Tolerance Intervals, is it benefitial to do a recovery ride on the next day. Recovery rides are very low intensity and are sometimes described as taking your bike for a walk. Avoid hills and avoid any fast accelerations. This workout is just about keeping the legs moving, so it's a low gear and a cadence of 90 to 100rpm. Heart rate should stay low, no greater than 60% of HRmax.

  • Description Time Target Power Intensity Kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 99 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 117 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 126 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Moderate 00:15 153 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 00:45 135 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Moderate 00:30 162 Watts
    5 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 180 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 171 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 02:00 117 Watts
    15 kcals
    Recovery 20:00 99 Watts
    131 kcals
    Recovery 20:00 99 Watts
    131 kcals
    Warm down 10:00 99 Watts
    65 kcals